Slimline Shaker Birthday Card - Puppy Party - Trinity Stamps
birthday, Birthday Cards, Shaker Card, Slimline Card, Zig Markers

Slimline Shaker Birthday Card | Puppy Party | Trinity Stamps

Hello crafty friends. As many of you know, I love to make shaker cards and this one is a fun slimline shaker birthday card. I used the Puppy Party Stamp Set and some other great products from Trinity Stamps to make my card.  You can watch a step-by-step tutorial how I made my card on… Continue reading Slimline Shaker Birthday Card | Puppy Party | Trinity Stamps

Pretty Pink Posh Love Balloons
coloring, Copic, ink blending, Pretty Pink Posh, Shaker Card, Valentine's Day

Love Balloons | Pretty Pink Posh | 2 Cards

Hello Crafty Friends. Today, Pretty Pink Posh is releasing lots of brand new products just in time for Valentine's Day. There are so many fun products in the shop and you can see them all in my unboxing video here. Throughout the month of January, I will be sharing several cards I made with… Continue reading Love Balloons | Pretty Pink Posh | 2 Cards