Slimline Shaker Birthday Card - Puppy Party - Trinity Stamps
birthday, Birthday Cards, Shaker Card, Slimline Card, Zig Markers

Slimline Shaker Birthday Card | Puppy Party | Trinity Stamps

Hello crafty friends. As many of you know, I love to make shaker cards and this one is a fun slimline shaker birthday card. I used the Puppy Party Stamp Set and some other great products from Trinity Stamps to make my card.  You can watch a step-by-step tutorial how I made my card on… Continue reading Slimline Shaker Birthday Card | Puppy Party | Trinity Stamps

Cupcake Shaped Card - Trinity Stamps - Cupcake Card Die Set
birthday, Birthday Cards, shaped card

Cupcake Shaped Cards | Trinity Stamps

Hello crafty friends. Today I'm sharing with you two cards I made using the Cupcake Card Die Set from the Trinity Stamps Sweet Summer Celebration release. I absolutely love this die set because it makes an A2 size card shaped like a cupcake! For my cards, I made a cupcake shaped card and I also… Continue reading Cupcake Shaped Cards | Trinity Stamps